viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

Harvest Moon - Game Concept

Welcome back gamers.

In the Game Design Master I'm currently attending, we were given the task to create a Game Concept documento for an existing game. In an attempt to polish my game design skills, I have written the concept for the first Harvest Moon game. I am uploading it for your reading pleasure.

Harvest Moon - Game Concept Document

Game Profile
WORKING TITLE:    Ranch Story (Harvest Moon)
GENRE:                      Life Simulation / Business Simulation
PLATFORMS:             SNES
GAME MODES:         Single Player
AUDIENCE:                9+

Ranch Story is a game where the player takes over a run-down farm in the country-side. His objective is to revitalize the farm and turn it into a successful business before the deadline falls. Labour consists of tending crops and taking care of animals according to the weather and season, while socializing with the local villagers and even attending festivals in the nearest city.

This game aims at being an entertaining and heart-warming life simulator, giving the player the chance to choose how he wants to live (although always leaning towards the good side).

The setting of the game is a small village in the country-side, where life is peaceful and villagers are good-natured. The keyword here is ‘interactive village’. Every character has his or her chores to do, places to visit and daily schedules, according to the season and weather.

The main character is given two years and a half (game-time) to get the farm working before his parents come to test his progress. In that time, apart from working in the farm, the player is encouraged to socialize with villagers and date some of the few bachelorettes in town. Through present-giving and daily talking, he can end up getting married with one of them, moving together and having children.

When the game ends, the player’s progress is tested and different scenes may trigger according to his achievements. Getting married, being a father, turning into a successful farmer and being loved by the villagers are some of them.

Core Mechanics
•    The game is a farmer responsible for a run-down farm. His objective is to revitalize it before time runs out, turning it into a successful business.

•    The player has many ways of earning money: he can buy and plant seeds, take care of animals or forage for wild fruits in the mountain.

•    Each year is divided into four seasons, and each season into thirty days, run by an internal clock where each day is about five minutes long. Time passes when the player is outside, while it freezes when the player is indoors.

•    Weather varies within each season. Each seed can only be planted in a particular season and has a different way of growing. While spring turnips can only be harvested once, summer tomatoes can be harvested many times. Every seed has to be watered in order to grow. There will be a total of five possible crops to grow.

•    The player will have a variety of tools so as to work in the farm. There will be a watering can, a hammer, a hoe, a sickle and an axe.

•    Animals require more care, as they have to be fed every day. The player may have cows and chickens. Cows give milk and chickens lay eggs every day. The player may incubate eggs in order to get more chickens and breed cows in order to get calves.

•    The village consists of a couple of shops (where the player will get his tools and seeds), a bar (where characters will gather at night), a main square (where festivals will take place), a church and some houses.

•    Villagers have different schedules according to day and weather. While people stay indoors in rainy days, they may go to the mountain in sunny days or go to church on Sunday mornings. When getting married, some schedules may change!

•    Each season has a couple of festivals taking place in the village square. From a Flower Festival (where villagers will dance together) to an Egg Hunt (where finding the hidden eggs will earn you prices) to a Harvest Festival (where every villager throws a vegetable in a pot) to Starry Night Festival (where you’ll spend the night with your sweetheart in a special place).

•    The player can also upgrade his tools through sidequests and customize his house through expansion. A sprinkler can be bought in exchange of your watering can, a golden axe can be found if you complete a small event. If enough wood is gathered, your house may be expanded and customized.

•    If the player has successfully revived the farm, he may keep playing indefinitely. 

There are no similar games in the market. The most similar game would be a mix of Sim Farm and some Dating Simulator. Animal Crossing and FarmVille are similar games which came out long after this game, though with some different mechanics.

•    The game, being a niche genre, may rely upon good reviews and propaganda in order to sell well.

•    A balance has to be formed between working at the farm and socializing in the village, and taking over the farm has to be challenging yet not too hard. Failing to find this point may result in the game not being fun to play, or being too frustrating.